Accept it or not, we are living in a era of US-haters. Most of the general people and media revile US. This is also true about most of the governments across the across which are against democratic instituions. I never understand the reason for that. Are people jealous of US or it is just sheer hatred for ts actions in past ? I think people are just jealous of the way Ameica assert itself on world stage. Sheer ruthlessness and arrogance are trademark of US foreign and economic policy. American influence over world just can be annoying for the ones who dream of a multipolar world. We have seen the capacity of America to involve in lenghthy conflicts without any concern for social and economic unrest back home. Amrican way of life, their patiotism and will power to rule the world invites the envy. Thats why a American failure is generally celebrated throughout the world whether it is crash of columbia spaceship or their failure to retain top spot in olympics.
So, lets assume that American empire is destroyed. What that mean for world ? Demise of American hegemony will be black chapter in world history. There is a conflict going on in the world. Democratic powers are on one side and a nexus of evil powers like religious terrorism, communism and totalitarian regimes are on other side(May be it sounds like a fantasy). America is leader of democratic powers. Who will take up challenge in absense of Ameica. India ? Are we in dreams ? We are yet to come come out of shadow of China. Our leaders keep begging before China for friendship. We just lack self-respect to lead a global coalition. Without America, it will a end of democracy and freedom. America symbolises everything good in this world.
I never understood why people want to hate US. Media says that US has a fetish for war. 9/11 attacks were an attack on soul of a progressive nations. What do you expect ? Just like our leaders, they should have keep repeating bullshit like Pakistan is resonsible for action and something like guilty will not be spared etc etc. and then forget about it ans start waiting for next terror attacks. Guys, they are nation with self-respect. Their leaders wanted to restore dignityof nation. After attack, whole nation stood together. Even opposition who fought a bitter battle for presidency just few months back was behind leader of nation. They just have no business for bickering and playing vote-bank politics. They answered and removed one of the most brutal regime of world. Osama bin laden, Saddam Hussein and Taliban were no saints. Nobody has dared to attack US again. Even today, US is trying to protect innocent Iraqis. Terrorist are killing innocent citizens and people are blaming US for all this.
Next one year will be decisive for the all of us. If US survive current economic crunch, democratic countries will get a morale boost. China and Russia have always helped anti-democratic regimes. They have always opposed sanctions on Sudan's ruling regime which is involved in genocide of its own people. They have supported nuclear weapon programmes of Iran, Pakistan and North Korea. They have supported anti-people rulers like Mugabe and Myanmar;s military junta. They started to make moves on their long-term strategy. All Latin Americans countires have turned communists expect Columbia. Russia incursion in Georgia is enough to create waves of terror in central Asia and East Europe. So, all hopes of future lies in rise of America and its coordination with other responsible nations like France and India.